Saturday, 6 March 2010

Slideshows can be quite frustrating at times! X(

Over the past couple of days I've been trying to make a slideshow gadget, but 'searching-for-pictures-linked-to-keywords-off-a-file-hosting-website-like-Photobucket-Flickr-or-Picasa' wasn't my idea of making a slideshow. I thought you could just upload your own photos from your computer, but that just shows you how ignorant I can be sometimes!


  1. Haha yeah, sometimes it can be a lot of work to find a tool that does what you want online, but I'm glad you did and I hope you'll get your slideshow up and running the way you want to! ;o)

  2. Hi again, I saw that you got your slideshow to work now! I can see the pictures changing, but they are very small...

    When you copy the slide show code from Myspace, they will give a certain "width" and "height" (300 and 228 for example). You can change those if you want to, so that the slideshow won't be too big for the place where you want to put it (the sidebar of your blog). You can experiment with it by changing the values in the widget, saving the changes and then surfing to your blog to see what it looks like.

    But I think the problem is that when you look at the sourcecode for your blog ("View"-menu: "Source") at the slideshow part (you can press Ctrl+F then search for "slideshow" to find it more easily) the code from Myspace for the slideshow itself looks okay, but above that, there is a line saying "width='50' height='152' and I think that's why it's so small.

    Is that something that you copied from the Myspace code? If so, try changing it to the same numbers as the "width" and "height" of the slideshow itself.

    If it wasn't in the Myspace code you copied, it might be something that you accidentally changed in your blogger template, because your other gadgets look okay when I visit your blog. In that case, maybe you should try copying the code from Myspace again and then pasting it in a new HTML/Javascript gadget on your blog? If it is still this small, you might have accidentally changed a setting in your blog template to cause this...

    I hope it will be an easy fix for you, becuase I know from experience how frustrating it can be to figure out what the problem is with stuff like this... ;o)

  3. The pics are too small? For me, they're just the same as they were before. I've tried changing the width and height of the widget, but it's just not working. I'll try copying and pasting it again, and see if that makes any difference.

  4. Yesterday the slideshow widget was working, but the pictures were very small...

    But whatever you did solved it, because now the slideshow fills the entire width of the sidebar and I can see the pictures in the slideshow much bigger now! ;o)


hey, feel free to comment! :D